Welcome to Project Token.
This is a capstone project which includes this website, a fungible token and a smart contract deployed on the Algorand blockchain.

Token Portal

Technologies Used

This website was developed using Bootstrap, and hosted on Bootstrap Studio's free hosting service for static web sites. I made the images using Lunacy or have cited them in the citations page. The cryptocurrency (Project Token) is run on the Algorand network, and the smart contract is written in Transaction Execution Approval Language (TEAL) using the PyTeal extension in Python. 


Blockchain technology creates an immutable public ledger, protected by cryptography, to securely record assets and asset transactions. Cryptocurrency is a trillion dollar industry which implements blockchain technology as digital currency.  Smart contract platforms add additional functionality to cryptocurrencies.


Algorand was proposed by Jing Chen and Silvio Micali in 2017 and aims to solve scaling, sustainability, and security issues seem in leading blockchain's such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Algorand uses a pure proof-of-stake consensus mechanism which addresses the above issues as well as greatly reducing computational demand.